Friday, May 21, 2010

Help with Dental Charting?

I am currently a dental assistant, who is training on the job. And i am doing pretty good so far im just having trouble with the charing. With where to mark when he says MLI or MOD, If you know a website or know something that could help me please let me know.

Help with Dental Charting?
Picture a tooth as having five sides (surfaces) Posterior teeth (back). M is for Mesial ,that is the surface toward the front of the mouth (Mid-Line). D is for Distal, that is the surface toward the back of the mouth. O is for Occlusal , that is the surface that does the chewing. When the upper and lower teeth come together they Occlude. MOD then is Mesial Occlusal Distal. MO is Mesial Occlusal, DO is Distal Occlusal. L is for Lingual (tongue) side the tooth. B is for Buccal, cheek side. The Anterior (front) teeth a little different. MD is the same; but the O (occlusal) becomes Incisal. Front teeth are Incisors. Example; if the Distal corner is broken, it will take a DI (Distal Incisal) restoration to fix. The Buccal or lip (Face) side of the tooth is called Labial could still use B or F or Lab, ask the Dr.. The tongue side is still the Lingual (L) Called charting. One night study and this should be second nature. Good Luck
Reply:You should have a diagram of the tooth on the chart. "M" or mesial is the part of the tooth towards the middle or front of the mouth,"d" is distal or back part of the tooth...o is the occlusal or biting part, google charting , maybe that will help..or message me and I will help ya more!! Good luck!
Reply:MOD is mesial, occlusal, distal...that would mean it goes from the sides of the tooth, up and over the occlusal surface and down the other side. I cant seem to find any good sites, but why not ask the dentist if he has any books on it or where you could possible get some dental school books from. its the best way to learn. I'm in my last year of hygiene, but when we were learning our teacher came up with some charting exercises to help us learn.

You can get very useful info related your query from . The website has highly useful resources on detal care. Check it out! Happy Smiling!!

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