Monday, May 17, 2010

What the costs of a nose job, lasik eye surgery ,dental sugery?

the nose job is just to make my nose straighter,

lasik for both eyes

i would like to make my 2 front teeth smaller, remove wisdom teeth,recieve braces to straighten my teeth and also whitening.

What the costs of a nose job, lasik eye surgery ,dental sugery?
Wow. Hope you have lots of money. Costs vary from location to location, so these are just general figures. Nose job (Rhinoplasty) costs in the neighborhood of $3500. Industry sources report that the average LASIK price in the second and third quarters of 2006 was about $1,950. To make your front teeth smaller would require crowns, at a cost of around $600 each. Wisdom teeth removal depends on how complicated the surgery will be and run from $150 a tooth to $400-$500 if impacted. Braces cost from $3000-$5000 and teeth whitening costs in the neighborhood of $500-$600. All totalled, your changes would cost a minimum of $11,000 and up to $14000.
Reply:i got a nose job and it cost me $6000 Canadian dollars. I have no regrets and it was the best thing i did. I had no pain besides being nauxious for a couple of days. Good luck

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